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Mosaic Reaches New Safety Recordchevron

2019 RIFR DOWN FROM 2018
February 5, 2020
Safe operations, safe behaviors and safe equipment are the cornerstones of a successful organization. Last year, Mosaic focused significant time and attention to eliminating risks and improving processes, and those efforts resulted in remarkable progress. We are thrilled to share that we lowered our companywide Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (RIFR) to .30, down from .50 in 2018.
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The Power of Partnerships - 2020 United Way Campaignchevron

January 13, 2020
United Way connects individuals to local organizations that help them achieve long-term stability in the areas of education, income and health. Mosaic and its legacy companies have partnered with United Way for many years because we believe it’s important to contribute to the overall health of the communities where we live and work. Between employee pledges, employee-voted grants, the company-match and special events held at our
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The Mosaic Educa Program Begins in Candeias (BA), Brazilchevron

December 19, 2019
Instituto Mosaic (Mosaic Fertilizantes’ foundation) has developed a new initiative to serve the community where we live and work—the Mosaic Educa Program. The goal is to include the practice of reading into the pedagogical plan of the municipality in a playful way, encouraging the ability to appreciate, explore, produce and interpret texts. The first iteration takes form in the Maria de Lourdes Santos Xavier Reading Room, which
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Mosaic Recognized for Innovative Water Initiativeschevron

December 18, 2019
Last January, our Brazil team—Mosaic Fertilizantes—signed the UN Global Compact in Brazil. This compact provides guidelines to help promote sustainable development and citizenship through committed and innovative corporate leadership. As a company, we’re been taking steps to support five of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Zero Hunger Clean Water and Sanitation  Decent Work and Economic Growth Responsible
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